I apologize for not posting in such a long time. Jeff has been posting pictures but doesn't say much, so I will inform you of all the happenings thus far. A couple weeks ago we went on our first family vacation post Paramedic school. We decided to go camping in San Diego. Campland by the Bay is not exactly "roughing it", but anytime you tent camp for 5 days with a 6 month old is roughing it!
Let me just say that our Saturn Vue was so packed down that we had to tie our bags to the roof, and I didn't sleep the entire time. Besides the night time, Eli was a great camper and had alot of fun on our outings to the Zoo and Sea World. This was the week of a bunch of firsts: Eli camping/sleeping in a tent, Eli going to the Zoo and Sea World, Eli eating carrots and drinking water from a water bottle...Here's a little slide show of our week:
We got back from our trip just in time for Eli's 7th swimming lesson and for a doctor's visit. Eli now weighs a woppin' 16 lbs. 6 oz. and is 26 1/4" (He's about average, maybe a little under in the weight). He is healthy and happy!!
More updates: Eli is now mobile, crawling all over the place and just recently wanting to pull up and stand on everything. He is quite the dare devil!! Now when I go into pick him up from his crib I see this...
How could I resist that cute face!
I'm sure I'll be posting again very soon, since it seems like Eli is doing something new everyday, Bye!!