Housesitting and Walks in the Park

For the last couple of days, we have been house-sitting for our friends while they were away. It was nice to spend some time with my two boys; we did our normal everyday stuff (feed Eli, play, nap) but we also laid out by the pool and went out to dinner.
While I took care of this little guy

Jeffery watched over this little guy and tried to be Ceasar Milan(the dog whisperer)
Maxi was probably so relieved when his parents came home:)

Today, we went for a walk in the park and brought tons of old bread and snack mix to feed the ducks. the ducks, coots, pigeons, and squirrels had a hay day with all of the food we brought. It was pretty exciting, especially when the squirrels would come take the food out of your hand.
Here is one of the millions that would come out from the holes in the ground.

1 comment:

The Jacobs said...

Hey Andi! I just love all of these blogs. Your little guy is getting so big already. Isn't amazing how fast time flies?! What a cutie!