Sorry I haven't kept up on my posting but it has been busy around here with me starting back at work and keeping up with Eli. So let me get you up-to-date:
Wednesday, Eli had a doctor appt. and amazed me once again with how well he takes his shots. Not even a fuss this time! He is 4 1/2 months, weighing in at 14lbs. 7 oz. and is 24 1/2 in. long. He is around the 40th percentile and still very healthy and happy:)
...Soooo Big!!

Oh, and apparently his feet are the big winners right now.
Who needs toys!!

Last week, we had our first trial run for infant swimming lessons. Eli loves the water, but I think he was a little hesitant with all of the other little "screamers", I mean swimmers that were around. Hopefully when he starts his sessions there won't be that many kids. Basically, the instructors teach infants and toddlers how to save themselves if they fall in water and can't swim by rolling over on there back and floating.

The instructors are so sweet and gentle.

Eli did not like laying on this floaty

1 comment:

Laura said...

so cute!! We can't wait to get Hudson in the water!