Our Tiny Angel

We welcomed Isabella Faith into this world yesterday, June 5, 2010, at 10:27 am. She was so tiny and precious, weighing 3 lbs. 7 oz. 16.5 in. long. Isabella came out butt first, and once she was out the docs examined her for a minute and then she came right to my chest. Her little squeaks were so sweet, and she looked peaceful the entire time. Jeff and I spent an hour with her before she went to be the Lord. It's funny how I in my thoughts and dreams I dreaded this moment and was so scared, but once I was in it, I can say I was at peace and so proud to be her Mommy. Throughout the happenings of the day, I had the children's song "When I get to Heaven" in my head, and I didn't know why that song came to me, but it has helped so much to think of Isabella singing "Now that I'm in Heaven, I'm walking with Jesus. Now that I'm in Heaven, I see His Face..."

Jeff and I are so blessed to have such a supportive and loving bunch of family and friends who were there to meet Isabella. Thank you to everyone who have been praying for our family. Your thoughts and prayers have been felt and continue to help us through this time.

Eli was able to go to his buddies house to play and have a fun-filled day o playing in the mud with John and Luke. Thank you Shanna so much for taking great care of Eli. We didn't have to worry one bit about him, and once he came to see us in the hospital, he cuddled right up with me and went bobo.

We love and miss you, Isabella!!!
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Big Boy Bed

Well, it has been quite awhile since I posted due to busy life, lost camera, and laziness at times. However, today was a milestone in Eli's life so I had to document. Jeff was home and the guest bedroom cleared out, so we decided to take the crib out of Eli's room and put in a Big Boy Bed.

Eli had to help Daddy work on taking apart the crib

We are starting off with just a mattress on the ground in case he gets crazy and fall's off (i know, it's a little ghetto but hopefully won't be like that for long).

E was very excited and was jumping out of his skin, but when it came time to lay down and go to sleep it took many books and songs to keep him laying down.

Eventually, I had to leave the room because he would not stop moving, which led to crying for a split second and then probably 20 minutes later was sound asleep. All in all, the first night was a success. Now we just have to see if he stays in bed all night long?

Sleep sweet my Buggy boy!!!