Eli's Getting Chunky!
Ordering Pictures of Eli Online
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Eli's 1st Doc Appt. & 1st Bottle
This morning Eli went to his first doctors appointment for a check up. He is two weeks old today. Everything looks good, other than he is not gaining weight like he is supposed to. He weighs 6 lbs 13 ounces so pray that he starts gaining weight. The last few days he has been kinda fussy but today he is doing great. Daddy gave Eli his first bottle this afternoon and he loved it! He adjusts very well to change:)
Grandma Culaciati is on a mission to make my milk supply rich and full of calories so Eli will start gaining some weight.
One Week Old Fiesta was more like a Siesta

Here is a picture with Nani. (She made it to the blog)

4 Days Old
Eli: Day 2 at Home

First Night Home

Induction Day or So We Thought
We left for the hospital at 4 am, arriving and checking in at 4:30. By the time we got in our room and situated, the nurse checked me and I was 5 cms. dilated.
(During a mild contraction) (Wanting the Epidural)
I was amazed I was already that far along. I remained 5-6 cms. for about 2 hours. At 8:00 am the doc broke my water and that's when it became intense. My contractions started coming stronger and I was getting the urge to push. I broke down after not getting any rest between contractions, and thinking I still had 4 cms. to go, so around 9:15 I asked for the epidural. By the time the anestiolgist came in and explained the procedure, it was too late. I kept saying "My body is trying to push" at each contraction. The nurse checked me, and I was 9 and a half cms.
I began holding my breath and pushing at about 9:40 am, and Eli arrived at 10: 06 this morning.
(Right after he came out they put him on my chest.)
It was amazing!!! Eli is a perfect 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 1/2 ins. long.
Yet another Doc. Appt.
My induction appointment is official! If Eli does not come out today or tomorrow, then I will be induced on Wednesday the 10th at 6:00 in the morning.