Induction Day or So We Thought

Finally, this day is here!! However it went a little differently then planned. I awoke in the middle of the night, at about 1:30 am with a contraction. I tried to fall back asleep, but I got another contraction. I woke Jeffery up and decided to start timing them. At first they were about 10 or so minutes apart, but about an hour later, they started coming about every 3 minutes or so. We decided to get up and get ready for the day.
We left for the hospital at 4 am, arriving and checking in at 4:30. By the time we got in our room and situated, the nurse checked me and I was 5 cms. dilated.

(During a mild contraction) (Wanting the Epidural)

I was amazed I was already that far along. I remained 5-6 cms. for about 2 hours. At 8:00 am the doc broke my water and that's when it became intense. My contractions started coming stronger and I was getting the urge to push. I broke down after not getting any rest between contractions, and thinking I still had 4 cms. to go, so around 9:15 I asked for the epidural. By the time the anestiolgist came in and explained the procedure, it was too late. I kept saying "My body is trying to push" at each contraction. The nurse checked me, and I was 9 and a half cms.
I began holding my breath and pushing at about 9:40 am, and Eli arrived at 10: 06 this morning.

(Right after he came out they put him on my chest.)
It was amazing!!! Eli is a perfect 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 1/2 ins. long.

(Proud Papas: Great-Grandpa Culaciati and Grandpa Culaciati)
Here are Eli's first visitors back in our room

1 comment:

Kandra said...

Congratulations mommy and daddy!! He is absolutely beautiful!!