Eli: Day 2 at Home

Eli did his usual nap and nap for most of the day. Jeff wanted to go for a walk, and it was such a beautiful day out. We bundled Eli up and put him in his stroller for his first walk.
We walked across the street to the park, but we were not gone for very long because mommy was a little sore. Eli did not enjoy the bumps of the stroller, so he was carried for the walk back. Our good friends Josh, Aidan, and Kathleen came to visit Eli

Here's Aidan in his House of Cushions

Later that evening, Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Ralph came to visit and brought some yummy food! Thanks for the Chicken Pot Pie. It was a hit!!


Anonymous said...

Jeff & Andie,I am so proud of both of you.Eli is so blessed to have you two as his parents.I am truly enjoying watching you two parent.your both doing great.all my love mom

Cori said...

I'd love to bring you guys some food and visit Baby Eli! Let me know when some of the traffic slows down over there.

Isn't that star blanket the best?! Drew loves to be all swaddled up in it ;)

Anonymous said...

Congrats guys!!!! We can't wait to meet him. He is so adorable, and he looks like both of you!!

Laura and Bryan